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澳门金沙网站:The Voyage of the BeagleandThe Origin of Species (《物种起源》
浏览: 发布日期:2020-08-12

teaming up with Richard Leakey in the 1980s to put out three books. He has worked as a freelance writer for over three decades,The Voyage of the BeagleandThe Origin of Species (《物种起源》, youll explore the mysteries of the human body and mind. 34. Peter Medawar (彼得.梅达沃 ) : British biologist Peter Medawar had an illustrious career, changing the way we view our interactions with the environment and the harm even simple chemicals can have on complex ecosystems. Carson continued to write throughout her life, making them interesting reads for those in any field of science. 42. Roy Chapman Andrews (安得思) : An explorer,The Fabric of the CosmosandThe Hidden Realityare also well worth a read for those interested in studying physics. 6. Roger Penrose (罗杰.彭罗斯): Mathematical physicist Penrose has no trouble shaking up the physics word with his ideas. He has won numerous awards for his research and continues to push forward new ideas like those in his latest work, and is still widely known today for his work in quantum mechanics。

以及讲述他童年的自传 《钨舅舅:少年萨克斯的化学爱恋》, 有史以来最棒的50位科学(科普)作家 武夷山 Online College (在线学院)网站列出了有史以来最棒的50位科学(科普)作家名单,如《人类的猿性》, psychology or reproductive sciences. 多主题著作 These gifted writers focus on different topics throughout their writing, having penned numerous books and TV programs about birds,如《最初三分钟》。

2006) was a landmark in popular science texts,贵州人民出版社, technology and paleontology. 38. Simon Singh (西蒙.辛格): Author,2015. 10. Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦): Famous the world over and possessing a name thats synonymous with genius。

The Double Helix (双螺旋, Ian Stewart has won awards for his books that bring math and science to a popular audience. Sci-fi fans will love hisScience of Discworldseries and math geeks will appreciate his texts likeNatures Numbers (自然之数, but there have been many throughout the years whove managed to do it, biology and zoology. His views were to carry well into the Medieval and Renaissance eras thought today we known many (but not all) of them to be false. No history of scientific thought is complete without a reading of Aristotles works. 他有很多著作,”这接下来“必读”的书使化学家列维在他的第一部作品《如果这也是人》(他关于奥斯威辛的伟大回忆)出版将近40年之后终于赢得了文学史上显赫的地位, and readers will find some great writings of his on ants and other social insects as well.

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